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Nacha’s Payments Innovation Alliance Releases “Unwrapping Smart Speakers” Guide

Nacha’s Payments Innovation Alliance Conversational Payments and the Cybersecurity Response (CPCR) Project Team released “Unwrapping Smart Speakers,” an online guide with simple steps for consumers to protect their privacy and keep them safe regarding smart speaker use.

“As more and more homes install smart speakers, it is important to understand that these speakers can access personal information, including financial and contact details as well as login credentials,” said Jennifer West, Nacha's Director of Payments Innovation Alliance, Education & Accreditation. “The Payments Innovation Alliance CPCR Team wanted to create a resource that will allow smart speaker owners to enjoy their devices while protecting their data privacy. Unwrapping Smart Speakers is an easy-to-use resource that can be passed along for guidance in determining settings when a smart speaker is purchased as a gift or for personal use.”

Download The Guide