Sharing knowledge. Creating peace of mind.


America's Credit Unions

The mission of America’s Credit Unions is to advocate for and advance an environment where credit unions thrive. This mission is complemented by our overarching vision: people everywhere trust and partner with credit unions to help them afford and achieve their best lives. The mission makes it clear: Advocacy is our top priority. America’s Credit Unions is committed to fighting for a legislative and regulatory environment that allows credit unions to grow.

Contact America's Credit Unions at

American Bankers Association (ABA)

The American Bankers Association is the united voice of America's banks - small, regional and large - that together employ more than 2 million women and men, hold nearly $17 trillion in assets, safeguard $13 trillion in deposits and extend more than $10 trillion in loans.

ABA believes that government policies should recognize the industry’s diversity and role as drivers of economic growth and job creation. Laws and regulations should be tailored to correspond to a bank’s charter, business model, local markets and risk profile so banks across America can serve their customers and communities.

Contact ABA at

Bank Holding Company Association (BHCA)

The BHCA was founded by community bankers in 1981 to provide education and business connections critical to the vitality of bank holding companies. Membership is open to organizations across the country, although most of the group's members are based in the Midwest. The association hosts at least two seminars per year, one in the spring and one in the fall. 

Contact BHCA at


BankBeat is the premier online source for timely or breaking community banking news. BankBeat is the perfect complement to our monthly print magazine BankBeat (formerly NorthWestern Financial Review), which offers in-depth articles that analyze and inform the most important trends, topics and issues in the industry. The name BankBeat signals a renewed commitment to people who work in banking. When something is alive, it has a beat, and we believe banking is very much alive. In journalism, reporters cover a beat, and for us, the only beat is banking.

Contact BankBeat at

BankIn Minnesota

Organized in 1962 as Independent Bankers of Minnesota & previously known as Independent Community Bankers of Minnesota (ICBM), the current BankIn Minnesota was created to represent the unique interests of independent unit banks in Minnesota.

Every educational opportunity, networking event, and legislative advocacy effort conducted through BankIn Minnesota is created for community bankers by community bankers. BankIn Minnesota provides a source of information and a powerful voice in government by uniting the influence of all community bankers under a single entity. When BankIn Minnesota works to represent your bank, you’re being represented by a fellow community banker.

Contact BankIn Minnesota at Info@Minnesota.Bank.

Center For Payments

The Center for Payments is a cooperative program sponsored by ten payments associations with the purpose of helping members and staff better prepare for the continued evolution in U.S. payment systems. Current participants in the program include ePayResources, EPCOR, MACHA, NEACH, PaymentsFirst, Shazam, Southern Financial Exchange, The Clearing House Payments Authority, UMACHA and WesPay.  These associations represent over 10,000 financial institution members, businesses and stakeholders with an interest in U.S. payment systems.

Contact Center For Payments at

Dakota Credit Union Association (DakCU)

In DakCU's mission to help credit unions succeed, DakCU plays a key role in growing membership and helping to provide service excellence to members from offices in Bismarck, North Dakota and Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Our vision for DakCU is to be a premier, financially strong, relevant, inclusive organization that plays a key role in credit unions growing membership, strengthening their charter, and providing excellent service to members.

Contact DakCU at


ECCHO was created in 1990 as a cooperative venture to facilitate the electronification of the check payment system.  The ECCHO Rules were developed to provide for fair, private sector image exchange among financial institutions of all types and sizes.  Now, thousands of institutions utilize ECCHO Rules for exchanging electronic checks. ECCHO’s unique membership includes credit unions, commercial banks, savings banks, and banker’s banks.

ECCHO was also integral to the development and implementation of Check 21.  ECCHO continues to advocate for the optimal legal environment for checks and liaises across the payments industry with the Federal Reserve, ASC X9 standards and various payments industry groups.  Additionally, ECCHO provides check education and manages the National Check Payments Certification (NCPC) program.

Contact ECCHO at

Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

The Federal Reserve System is the central bank of the United States. Congress created the Federal Reserve through a law passed in 1913, charging it with a responsibility to foster a sound banking system and a healthy economy. This broad mission remains today for the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and the 11 other Federal Reserve Banks, each serving a specific region of the country.

With headquarters in Minneapolis and a Branch in Helena, Mont., we examine banks to make them safe and sound. We conduct world-class research to inform policymakers. Our 1,000 employees in Minneapolis and 60 in Helena monitor the regional economy to help determine the nation’s monetary policy. We strive to promote economic well-being. And much more.

Click here to contact the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.

Financial & Retailers Protection Agency (FRPA)

The FRPA formed in 1997 in Minnesota as a not-for-profit association and quickly expanded to provide member support to other states interested in our approach. The FRPA manages information from financial institutions and retailers regarding common investigations concerning financial frauds and serious organized property crimes. FRPA has developed theft reporting databases for use by its members, while actively looking for crime patterns and trends within the local community and for regional trends.

Contact FRPA at


We believe in delivering a consistent and superior customer experience while increasing revenue for financial services.  Identifee makes it simple for banks and credit unions to identify, engage, and educate their customers.

Click here to contact Identifee.

Independent Community Bankers Association (ICBA)

The ICBA has one mission: to create and promote an environment where community banks flourish. We power the potential of the nation’s community banks through effective advocacy, education, and innovation.

Contact ICBA at

Independent Community Bankers of North Dakota (ICBND)

Driven by the needs of our members, our mission is to be proactive industry advocate before state, federal, legislative, and regulatory bodies; to promote the importance of community banks to local, state, and national economies; and to create cooperative products, services, and educational offerings to assist our members compete and flourish in a constantly changing financial services marketplace. 

Click here to contact ICBND.

Independent Community Bankers of South Dakota (ICBSD)

The ICBSD’s mission is to empower independent community banks! We will pursue this mission through legislative and governmental advocacy, education of our banks’ board members, management, and organizations, and by providing a spirit of community and family for independent banks through ongoing conferences, retreats, and events.

Contact ICBSD at

Michigan Credit Union League (MCUL)

The MCUL will strengthen the credit union community and its image by providing advocacy on important issues, coordinating cooperative initiatives and by providing high-quality solutions that help credit unions succeed and enrich the lives of their members.

Click here to contact MCUL.

Midwest Acquirers Association (MWAA)

The MWAA was founded on the belief that it is important to educate Payment Professionals, such as ISOs, MSPs and Financial Institutions with the constantly changing information our industry dictates. Our mission is to provide a regional opportunity for training, education and networking in the Midwest acquiring community. We provide a forum for the discussion of issues related to the payments industry.

Contact MWAA at

Minnesota Association for Financial Professionals (MNAFP)

MNAFP provides a forum for the exchange of ideas, concepts and techniques related to the fields of treasury management, finance, investment management, and banking. We encourage members to enhance their professional development through participation, education and networking. We also promote the spirit of unity and cooperation among our members and local businesses, government and educational institutions.

Contact MNAFP at

Minnesota Bankers Association (MBA)

The MBA is the champion for Minnesota bankers, representing 95% of Minnesota chartered banks and savings and loans.  Since 1889 the MBA has been serving Minnesota's banking community.  We are extremely proud of our long history and our close working relationship with our members. Along with the education, legal, legislative, and insurance areas, members receive value added quality products and services to ensure that they receive the most from their membership.

Contact MBA at

Minnesota Credit Union Network (MnCUN)

The Minnesota Credit Union Network is the single greatest champion for Minnesota credit unions; therefore, we commit to dynamic, bold advocacy; inclusive collaboration; and innovative solutions that help accelerate the growth of credit unions.

We value our members' continued trust in us, and we appreciate the opportunity to be able to serve credit unions throughout the state.

Contact MnCUN at

Montana Bankers Associaton

The Montana Bankers Association exists to assure the continued strength of community banks as providers of capital, credit, financial services, asset management, intermediaries, employment, and corporate citizens.

The mission of the Montana Bankers Association is enriching the lives of all Montanans through strong community-focused banks.

Contact Montana Bankers Association at

Montana Independent Bankers (MIB)

The Montana Independent Bankers Association has faithfully served Montana’s community banks for over 55 years. As the financial cornerstone of their communities, independent banks are a powerful force in shaping our state’s economy. Locally founded and owned, often by multiple generations of Montanans, these banks are characterized by their adherence to the small-town values of business integrity, financial responsibility, and personal service for their customers. MIB provides these banks with the multi-level support they need to function at their optimum. After all, healthy banks mean prosperous communities.

Click here to contact MIB.

Montana's Credit Unions

Based in Helena, Montana, Montana’s Credit Unions exists to promote and enhance a thriving credit union community. Its various entities support this mission.

  • The Montana Credit Union League provides dues-supported services that protect, advocate, and inform.
  • The League Service Group provides quality business services for Montana’s credit unions.
  • Montana Credit Unions for Community Development implements programs through credit unions that improve the social and economic well being of Montanans.
  • Montana Credit Union Group Benefits Trust provides health insurance, an EAP, the Healthy You! Wellness Program, and other insurance products to member credit unions.

Contact Montana's Credit Unions at

NFR Communications

NFR Communications is a publishing and management company serving the community banking industry. The company publishes the news website, which offers fresh industry news every business day. It also publishes BankBeat, a monthly print magazine covering community banking. In addition to other periodicals, the company produces 18 state bank directories, some annually and some twice a year. NFR Communications also provides custom publishing services ranging from editorial development to magazine design and layout.

Contact NFR Communications at

North Dakota Bankers Association (NDBA)

The North Dakota Bankers Association (NDBA) has proudly served North Dakota's banking industry for since 1889. NDBA is the professional trade association organized to effectively represent the common interest and welfare of banks in North Dakota and to promote the professional development of its members. It's the mission of the North Dakota Bankers Association to provide "Extraordinary Leadership for North Dakota Banks.

Click here to contact NDBA.

South Dakota Bankers Association (SDBA)

The SDBA is a professional and trade association for South Dakota's financial services industry. Established in 1884, the SDBA enhances members' ability to be preeminent providers of financial services.

Click here to contact SDBA.

Third Party Payment Processors Association (TPPPA)

The TPPPA is a national not-for-profit industry association formed in 2013 to represent and promote the interests of payment processors, their financial institutions and their merchants. TPPPA members are payment processors, banks, merchants and vendors.

Contact TPPPA at

Wisconsin Bankers Association (WBA)

Founded in 1892, the WBA is the state’s largest financial industry trade association, representing more than 200 commercial banks and savings institutions and over 30,000 employees.

The Association represents banks of all sizes from banks in rural Wisconsin to the state’s largest financial institution in Green Bay, and nearly 98 percent of banks in the state are WBA members.

Contact Wisconsin Bankers Association at